unfortunately NO, however I am from Egypt and as you know they built the pyramids and they have the secret of Embalming till now , so may be I have some genes from them 🙂
Yes! My mom is a biologist and my grandfather, while he did not go to college and had no formal scientific training, when he was in the army during WW2 was nicknamed “The Doctor” as he was very skilled with first aid and helped many fellow soldiers using what little they had available. He seemed to know about medical plants that would help with minor infections for example. I loved when he was telling me these stories (he would always only tell me “good” stories, nothing much about the war itself).
Both my grandfathers were engineers and my father was an architect and surveyor before he retired and my mother (and her mother too) was a nurse before I was born.
So yes if you consider engineers as scientists which you probably should!
My father’s father developed the original Mini (car) so I’m not the first inventor in the family but I am the first PhD doctor that we are aware of.
becksblowup commented on :
thank you all for replying