I am looking forward to the challenge. But I have to say the schedule here in the lab changes very quickly..sometimes I have to go out at very short notice to take a sample – incase we have to put up a “boil water notice” somewhere (a bit like the boil water notice in Dublin at the moment) so if I don’t answer immediately bear with me & I will respond as soon as possible.
Also I have just been told I am moving to the wastewater lab! So if any one has questions about what we do in this lab then just ask away
Hi there! Yes, I am ready! đŸ™‚ I’ve signed up for live chats that I am available for. I have a last-minute work trip next week but I should have a good internet connection and hopefully, there won’t be any technical problems! Looking forward to chatting!
This is going to be a crazy week in the lab for me! I have a lot of deadlines coming up before Christmas and over 90 samples expected in the lab on Wednesday. I’m looking forward to all your questions!