
Annette Wilson
St Wolstan's CS Celbridge Co. Kildare. National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)
PhD (Oceanography), BSc. (Marine Science)
Work History:
Pedi-Cab Driver, Smoothie Maker, Lab Demonstrator (NUI Galway), Research Assistant (NUI Galway),Support Scientist (Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany)
Current Job:
Project Office, AquaTT
About Me
I'm a marine scientist. I love the ocean, running, being outside and listening to music!
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I grew up in Kildare and moved to Galway to study marine science in college. I lived there for 10 years. Now, I work as a Project Officer with AquaTT and live between Dublin and Germany.
I’ve always loved science in school because you learned how things work, got to draw nice diagrams and do experiments!
I like to travel and try new food. When I’m at home, I like to go running, go to the gym (sometimes!), bake cakes (I am a big fan of the Bake Off) and listen to music.
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My job is to develop the best way to communicate scientific results so that others can understand and use them.
I work on two projects called SEAFOODTOMORROW and ATLAS. The scientists in SEAFOODTOMORROW are developing new technology and methods to make the seafood industry more sustainable and to make seafood safer and better for people to eat. The ATLAS project is about exploring the deep sea and collecting data that can help policy-makers to improve how the deep ocean is managed.
For both projects, I learn about what the researchers are doing and find out about their latest results. I help scientists to share their news and promote the project, using social media, writing news articles and developing videos. Then I investigate how others, scientists, people working in industry or politicians. The most important part of my work is then designing a pathway to share this new information with the right people that can use it.
My Typical Day
Every day is different, but I always start it with a cup of Barry's Tea! I use a laptop for work and once I have logged on, I check my email, read the latest science news, have quick look on social media and then get cracking on my tasks for the day. Usually, I am working on a few things at a time. I've just finished developing a promotional video for the SEAFOODTOMORROW project. You can watch it on YouTube here: Now I am working on an e-newsletter and writing a project report.
What I'd do with the prize money
I would give the money to the Irish Ocean Literacy Network (IOLN) to support their outreach work and activities. The IOLN advocates for an Ocean Literate society across the island of Ireland. They organise events (e.g. talks, workshops at Dublin Zoo) and share knowledge and educational resource that promote the importance of the ocean's influence on us, and our influence on the ocean. The IOLN could use the €500 to sponsor a public event! 💙 You can learn more about the IOLN here:
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
When I was in school I wanted to be a dietician but then I decided I wanted to be a marine scientist!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
ekkk.... I was pretty good in school but I was always late!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Bell X1! ♥
What's your favourite food?
Salt and Vinegar Pringles!!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I'd really like a new bike! So I wish someone would buy me a bike, I wish I win a bike or I wish for money to buy a new bike for myself! 😆
Tell us a joke.
Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay they would be called bagels!
Work photos: