Questions Answered by Annette
How many animals eats plastic
by grew46web and 1 other. to Philip, Annette
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what is climate change
by star46car to Philip, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather
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Will we have something that we can stay alive forever in the future
by free46pen to Philip, Jake, Annette, Amy Heather
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how did adam and eve come about
by ring46cup to Philip, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather
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how do robot milking machines work
by away46can to Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather
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Will different type of clouds have different amounts of water in them
by Louis to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather
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What is your most memorable scientific discovery?
by away46bat and 1 other. to Annette, Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Amy Heather
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is there ice on top of the earth
by ring46car to Amy Heather, Annette, Jake, Philip
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what is going to happen in the next 50 yrs
by zest46cup to Philip, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather
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