Hello! I am not sure exactly what are you asking here but if you are wondering why we grow so slowly or how we could boost our own growth? If we wanted to boost our growth as humans beings, so for example to grow taller, we could for example take growth hormones before puberty hits.. so before a child’s body starts to turn into an adult body. This could help us grow taller, but this can also increase risks of other diseases. There are very cool studies where scientists tried to assess why men in the Netherlands are so tall. They pinpointed epigenetics! So with epigenetics is when our daily lives can force or sperm or egg cells to change in men or women. These changes might make us more resilient, so for example children born to women during the great famine in the Netherlands, had certain genes silenced. These silent genes allowed them to take up more nutrition than people who had that gene working/talking. So those children grew up to be taller but were also more likely to be over weight or obese. This is evolution or genetic changes based on our environment.. affecting the generation after us. There is also this article about why humans grow more slowly than other mammals, especially chimps or gorillas! https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/08/why-do-humans-grow-so-slowly-blame-brain