A simple way to conserve water is to use rainwater where possible. For example many houses collect rainwater from the gutters in the roof and have plumbed the house in such a way that this rainwater is used to flush toilets. Similiarly a barrell that is connected to the gutters in the house can collect rainwater that could be used to water flowers/plants.
Have a look at your kitchen tap and check to see if it is leaking. If it is, annoy a grown up to fix it!! I sample drinking water from people’s houses frequently & you would be surprised how many taps are dripping!
As Ann said using rainwater is a very efficient way of saving water and rainwater. Another big step to saving water is checking for leaky pipes. In Ireland, the government has a big plan to check all the pipes, because can you believe it…. they don’t actually know where all the pipes are! So we can’t even check if they are leaking. Another good way to save water, is to recycle waste water, so instead of dumping it, we should treat it so that it could be drinking water again at some point in the future.