• Question: How can we stop global warming??

    Asked by bump46web to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Ann Reen

      Ann Reen answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Here are a few ways to reduce global warming:

      Introduce more electric cars to reduce emissions to the atmosphere
      Government to construct better safer cycle paths so that students who live near school can safely cycle to school or work and reduce the emission from cars at the same time.
      Better public transport so less need to use the car in the first place
      Government to introduce strict legislation so that industries that emit air pollutants like carbon dioxide are required to reduce the amount of air emissions to the atmosphere.
      Government could introduce a rule that any new industry setting up in Ireland has to use renewable energy instead of oil or gas or at least some of its energy is derived from renewable sources..

    • Photo: Philip Schuler

      Philip Schuler answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      I think it needs incentives rather than rules: for examples, instead of limiting a fixed amount of emissions a company/factory may emit, make it financially beneficial to reuce emissions.

    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      Hello. I think Ann and Philip have hit the nail on the head here.
      We need system change, so governments and companies need to change their behaviour. As individuals we can do our part but in order to really address global warming we need big changes and only governments and corporations can do this. So attend the climate strikes, talk to your local politicians and your parents about how you can effect change in your daily life but also in your school or wider community. For example, where I work I am looking at ways of reducing the plastic waste we generate in the lab and trying to find recycling schemes for some of our waste streams. At the same time, I use my vote in local, national and european elections to elect people I believe will address climate breakdown in their mandates. I also try to have lab suppliers reduce their packaging and insist that they combine deliveries, rather than send separate parcels to multiple people in the same building.
