• Question: If u could. Travel back in time what would u do?

    Asked by Advaith Bharathwaj to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Ann Reen

      Ann Reen answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I would enjoy my teenage years more & I would not dye my hair!!!!

    • Photo: Jake Cunningham

      Jake Cunningham answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Hmm, Fantastic question. Well that would depend on what I’m allowed to do. If I can travel to anytime then there’s not a lot that I wouldn’t do. I would love to meet Leonardo Da Vinci, James Maxwell, Aleksander Lyaponov, Albert Einstein, De Cartes and many other scientists and philosophers. But if I could only change the choices that I made previously then I wouldn’t change anything major. Maybe I would have played rugby a little longer and learnt how to fly, but most of these things I can still do, maybe when I’m a little less busy though.

    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      I would travel back to the mid 1950s and encourage government officials to spend NASA budgets on eradicating diseases and creating vaccines rather than spending billions on a space race while people died from curable diseases. The other option would be to prevent the mass production of plastic.

    • Photo: Philip Schuler

      Philip Schuler answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Make sure that someone like Adolf Hitler would not be able to get into power
