0 Question: wats your fav science movie? Keywords: hobbies Asked by kenhiggins to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 11 Nov 2019.
Maxime Savatier answered on 11 Nov 2019:
The martian. A great movie.
Ann Reen answered on 11 Nov 2019:
Back to the Future starring Micahael J Fox. I would love to be able to travel back & forward in time. I could find out what was coming up in an exam and then ace it !!
Philip Schuler answered on 11 Nov 2019:
A Civil Action is pretty amazing!
Jake Cunningham answered on 12 Nov 2019:
I love good will hunting (more of a maths movie) or else a beautiful mind or back to the future, I don’t know it’s too hard to pick one
Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 12 Nov 2019:
Contagion. Its so dramatic and so inaccurate.