• Question: what do you think of the bible study of the start of creation compared to evolution?

    Asked by ava to Philip, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 20 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      Hi Ava. When I was in school, I loved learning about the scientific hypothesis, how the scientific method works. Often science in the lab, starts with observations in nature, or observations of deviations from the expected results in the lab. This causes us to rethink our previous hypothesis. So for example, when humans did not have the library of hypotheses, that we now have to support the theory of evolution, I think it made great sense that we sought other reasons for our being on earth. I highly recommend reading Sophie’s World, its a great introduction to philosophy through fiction. However, now not only do we have a series of observations supporting evolution in the phenotype, we can also prove phylogenetically, or through genetics that human genomes are >99.6% likely to have evolved from an ancestor of chimpanzees or bonobos.
      I have included the link below, if you want to read this article about why evolution, should taken precedence over creationism.

    • Photo: Philip Schuler

      Philip Schuler answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      Does bible study and evolution contradict each other? If so, stick to evolution.
      By the way, humans are much older than the time of writing bible stories.
