• Question: What would happen if one of the seas was drained of water?

    Asked by away46map to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Maxime Savatier

      Maxime Savatier answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Disappearing seas tend to create a lot of problems. Less or no fishing for local people, less rain in the surrounding lands, contaminated water supplies, sinkholes, less tourism, more movement of population.
      The Aral sea is an example of sea that almost disappeared, and is now recovering.
      The Dead sea is also a threatened sea:

    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 22 Nov 2019:

      I visited the Aral Sea last year and it is honestly one of the most devastating things to witness, complete destruction of an ecosystem and a lot of the people who lived nearby now can’t live there anymore because there is not enough water in the area, no more fishing jobs and the ecosystem around them is slowly dying. If you drain of sea water, you don’t just destroy that sea, you also destroy the animals that live near that sea or prevent the humans that live near it from travelling over water, fishing and making a living out of their environment.
