• Question: Why and how does what get undrinkabel bc where I live at the moment the water in the taps or you fridg are undrinkabel

    Asked by Ava to Philip, Maxime, Jake, Ann, Annette, Amy Heather on 12 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Great question. In Ireland fifty years ago we had fewer people living in a most towns and cities. Now the water and waste water or sewage treatment plants in theses towns and cities are not big enough for all the people living there. On top of that, technological updates like UV lights and tertiary treatment have not been put into these water and sewage plants. We know now that these work better than the older methods for dealing with bacteria, parasites and viruses. And another thing is that the pipes to these plants need to be fixed, new pipes or bigger pipes are needed. All in all we need to update these plants and then our water would be safer to drink. Hopefully you get your water back soon!
