• Question: Why di Leonardo de Vinci inspire him to be a scientist ?

    Asked by xmas46car to Ann, Philip, Amy Heather, Annette, Jake, Maxime on 12 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by Madalina, Joseph.
    • Photo: Jake Cunningham

      Jake Cunningham answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      I’m inspired by Leonardo da Vinci because he was able to do so much with so little. He didn’t have his computer or a lot of the tools that we have today to make most of his discoveries and inventions. That is what helps me to push on. He was also one of the greatest artists as well, he was one of the greatest minds ever.

    • Photo: Amy Heather Fitzpatrick

      Amy Heather Fitzpatrick answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      I think Leonardo de Vinci was an incredible scientist and artist. I think his art changed his perception of how the world worked, and drove him to understand exactly how the human body is structured and worked. In turn that drove his understanding of the world around him and he saw that biological systems are structured, systematic and measured. He could see hundreds of years before the first plane flight that human flight was possible, due to his understanding of the human body and how to make it more aerodynamic.
