Day 1: Eyebrows, clones, and moving celestial bodies.

We’re coming to the end of the first day of our November 2013 round of I’m a Scientist: Get me out of here!, and what a first day it has been.

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In the Helium Zone one student wondered why we have eyebrows, while another wanted to know what happened to the dinosaurs. In the Lithium Zone, the students were interested in whether cloning would ever become a standard medical procedure.

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In the Nanotechnology Zone, Eleanor explained how we might go about moving the earth,
while in the Space Zone the scientists explained what would happen if the moon and the sun collided; in short, the “sun would win”.

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We’ve a full two weeks of I’m a Scientist: Get me out of here! to go, with plenty more live chats booked, and many more answers to come. Check back for more updates.

We’d like to thank Science Foundation Ireland for providing funding for the event; as well as the Institute of Physics in Ireland for funding the Nanotechnology Zone, and ESERO Ireland for funding the Space Zone.

Posted on November 11, 2013 by ModJosh in News. Leave a comment

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