We asked the scientists and moderators to select the students who stood out to them; the students they thought asked the best questions, or engaged most in the live chats.
Well done to all of the student winners, to the runners up, and everyone who took part. There were so many interesting questions, and comments this November, but there could only be one winner in each zone. The winners will receive a certificate and a €25 iTunes gift card.
Nanotechnology Zone
heisenberg, Pipers Hill College
For their profile, and great questions in ASK.
Runners up: jillpf, aobrien, chloeduffy, kylep, kelseydowling, cathalbrady.
Space Zone
sarah2013xxx, St. Farnan’s Post Primary
For asking some good questions in ASK.
Runners up: shasow15, xxartmanxx, justinbieber, chickennuggets, elliot25, jackoneill, daniella1588, theepicpotatoe, fabien2013larouche.
Helium Zone
leahdoyle123, Malahide Community School
For asking some good questions in ASK.
Runners up: ifonlyiwasahobbit5, bleddy.
Lithium Zone
zebraperson72, Scoil Naomh Lorcain
For asking good questions in ASK.
Runners up: ladybird117, tinytardis13, avrilking, liverpoolfcman, bobblehead, orlaithbrady.