November 2014 Zones

I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here will run for two weeks during Science Week from Monday 10th to Friday 21st November 2014.

With new funding from SFI’s Discover Programme, I’m a Scientist Ireland just keeps getting bigger and better, and this year we’re running 5 zones (including at least 1 just for primary schools) with room for 25 scientists and more than 1,500 students from all across Ireland.

Keep reading for details of the zones, or if you want to jump straight to the application, teachers apply here:, and scientists here:

Evolution Zone

How do we go from a single-celled organism to walking, talking, thinking, dreaming human beings? How do species adapt to live in the most hostile environments on the planet; from the bottoms of oceans to the peaks of mountains? In this zone we’ll be looking at everything evolution, and we’re after five scientists to help show students the “grandeur in this view of life.”
This zone is funded by ESEB and Science Foundation Ireland.

Sustainability Zone

From reducing waste products to the development of alternative energy sources; in this zone we’ll be exploring sustainability in chemistry. We’re looking for any chemists working on reducing the impact of chemistry on the environment.
This zone is funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. To be eligible to take part, scientists should be a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Food Zone or Pharmaceutical Zone

We’re trying something new this time around in how we choose and fund the themed zones. We’ve opened crowd-sourcing on two zones; the Food Zone and the Pharmaceutical Zone, which would you want to see?

Food and pharmaceuticals are two of the the biggest Irish industry sectors, and are growing increasingly reliant on the talent of excellent Irish scientists and engineers. These zones would be a chance for school students to learn more about the sectors from any scientists or engineers whose work touches on either food or pharmaceuticals.

Find out more at the:

Food Zone FundIt page
Pharmaceutical Zone FundIt page

General Science Zones

Boron Zone (and more?)
General Science Zones take five different scientists from a wide range of research areas. These are not themed zones and not all the scientists will be use the named element in their research.

If the Food or Pharmaceutical Zones don’t receive enough funding, we will run extra general zones instead.

Apply now to take part!


Teachers apply here:
Apply before Monday 29th September

Update: 26 September 2014
We’ve extended the application deadline for schools! If you would like to take part, please email

We’ll send an email out soon after you sign up asking which zones and how many classes you would like to bring online.


Scientists apply here:
Apply before Monday 29th September
Take a look at this post for our advice on your application!

I’m an Engineer Zones

This November also sees the launch of I’m an Engineer Ireland, where we’ll be running two zones. Click here for more information.


Posted on September 10, 2014 by ModJosh in News. Leave a comment

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