These scientists have highlighted themselves as having 'Creative' characteristics:
My Work: My research team at DCU produce sensors based on nanobiomaterials that can measure the biomarkers in blood to predict and prevent disease- think of...
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Latest Question:what is your biggest discovory
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My Work: I am integrating a Smart Glove that we have developed at TUS, Athlone with a Robotic Arm for autonomous control.
Latest Question:Is it possible to make an exoskeleton that enhances strength and speed
My Work: Hi, my work focuses on designing multimedia systems so that everyone enjoys online services, such as video and games.
Latest Question:how long does it take to make a game
Latest Comment:what is a PhD (1 comments)
My Work: I used LASERs to make tiny lenses, to give electrons more energy to punch, and now for applications in biology like in a Fitbit watch.
Latest Question:Do you like pokemon
Latest Comment:what age did you become a scientist at (2 comments)
My Work: My work is to study and improve the wireless communication between robots and other elements of the industrial environment.
Latest Question:What was your favourite thing to do as a child