
Rupal Srivastava
I went to school in India- Stella Maris Convent High School.
Work History:
Internships at government research labs- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, and National Informatics Limited
Current Job:
Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoc Fellow
Science Foundation Ireland funded CONFIRM SMART Manufacturing Research Center.
Technological University of the Shannon, Athlone
About Me
I work in the field of Robotics, specifically smart wearables. My PhD is in Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering.
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Currently a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow – co-fund SMART4.0 at the SFI Confirm Smart Manufacturing Centre, Ireland. I completed my Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics and Design from the Indian Institute of Technology- Kanpur, where I worked on Active Composites and Smart Materials. Currently, I’m working on Memory Alloys and their integration with Smart Wearables, Digital Twin of a Manufacturing Pilot Line, and as an investigator on the Social Impact Study of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. I have also received several notable international accolades, including the Sakura Research Fellowship, and the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship.
My pronouns are
My Work
I am integrating a Smart Glove that we have developed at TUS, Athlone with a Robotic Arm for autonomous control.
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My project involves the design and fabrication of a Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-based smart glove or a hand exoskeleton, hence an add-on to conventional gloves to control robotic arm movements in real-time. The data from the kinesthetic feedback from the fingers is fed into ROS which controls the robotic arm movements based on individual or multiple finger responses. In the initial stages of the project I am working with pairing the glove with interactive toys and have proposed a framework to understand cognitive development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I hope before the end of my project in 2023, we can do a human-factor study on the glove and thereby commercially manufacture and find its integration in multiple fields, especially MedTech.
My attributes
My Typical Day
Eat, Sleep, Work, Enjoy, Repeat
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A typical day in the life of a Postdoc researcher is more or less the same. However, living in Ireland gives more opportunities to relax along with work.
I wake up around 6 am and prepare my lunch. I leave the house around 7:30 am for gym and then from there I directly go to the lab around 9 am. From then on I work on my emails, make presentations, have meetings with students, and read and write journal paper(s). At 12 pm I enjoy my lunch with my lovely colleagues where we not only discuss our weekend adventures but also plan our next weekend apart from our regular research-related chats.
I spend the afternoon conducting experiments, or working on the Robotic Cell related simulation software. It is also the time that I prepare my lectures, as I also work as an Assistant Lecturer at SETU, Waterford.
I leave the lab/office around 5:30 pm – 6 pm and shop for groceries and prepare my dinner. Since Athlone has a fairly good live music scene, so if someone good is playing I spend a couple of hours listening to live music and then sleep early- prepared for the next day.
What I'd do with the prize money
I would use it to organise student engagement activity and bring them to TUS, Athlone to demonstrate research labs.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Music obsessed creative engineer.
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My parents and their enthusiasm for science.
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Mechanical Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Usually not, but sometimes when I would see something unethical or unfair I would raise my voice.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would join the Air Force.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The Beatles
What's your favourite food?
Rajma Chawal (Indian Food)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Learning how to fly a Glider Plane
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Have the power to see future, have the intelligence to solve the problem of observed accelearting unviverse cause, have higher tolerance and patience. :D
Tell us a joke.
How come you can you never borrow a few quid from a leprechaun? Because they’re always a little short…