• Question: can you explain DNA

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      Asked by 398fscd23 to Ruth on 9 Nov 2015.
      • Photo: Ruth Hamill

        Ruth Hamill answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, its a long molecule made up of four repeating bases, A, C, G, T. It is double helix in shape and 2 complementary copies pair with each other, like a double spiral staircase where the letters are the treads of the stairs. The A’s match the T’s and the C’s match the G’s. WHen it is time for something to be transcribed (copied) from the DNA the 2 paired DNA strands open up and the cellular machinery usually only interprets one strand at a time to make RNA, then protein. It also opens up for copying during DNA replication.

        The letters are a code, and in certain areas of the molecule called genes the DNA is copied into an intermediate molecule called RNA. The RNA then moves away from the DNA and is translated into protein. The letters of the RNA/DNA form 3 letter words, each of which matches an amino acid. The amino acids are added to a growing chain to ultimately make a protein that is then released to do its job in the cell.
