1 Question: do your speak Irish or any other langues Keywords: Search for related information: irish language speak Asked by Adam to Ruth, John, Emma, Andrew, Dilip on 10 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by AbbyG&the313, Turner.
John Gleeson answered on 10 Nov 2015:
My Irish is appalling! I’ve good grasp of German.
Emma Feeney answered on 10 Nov 2015:
Little bit of Irish from school, and a little bit of French. Went to the Gaelteacht at school and it really improved my Irish, but sadly I have forgotten most of it!
Andrew Quigley answered on 10 Nov 2015:
My Irish is also dreadful! Actually, I’m pretty bad at all languages
Ruth Hamill answered on 10 Nov 2015:
Not really anymore, its a shame!
Darragh ryan commented on 10 Nov 2015:
very good question
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John commented on 10 Nov 2015:
Also like to point out science is a universal language in itself!
Darragh ryan commented on :
very good question
John commented on :
Also like to point out science is a universal language in itself!