Question: Hello ! I'm working on sumo wrestlers and their diet, and what they do in order to become as big as they are. I was wondering why the exess of proteins lead to a weight gain ? and also why does skip breakfirst lead to a weight gain ? Why does sleeping after a meal lead to a weight gain ? and finally, what's the link between obesity and cardiovascular diseases ? Sorry, they are quite a lot of questions but I didn't find thes answer on internet ! Thank you very much ! Mathilde
Quentin and Mathilde commented on :
Thanks for these answers @john end @andrew!
Andrew, I wonder how proteins can be convert in sugar and fat ?
I choose this subject because everybody try to get thinner, but we don’t think about how people get bigger ! So I took the sumo wrestlers because they are trying to be as big as possible, their diet is really interesting ! (and okay, they are funny 😉 )
@John what is inflammation exactly ? and how can we reduce blood pressure, for example if I’m a Sumo wrestler, how can I reduce my blood pressure ?