Question: Hello, I'm working on the impact of popcorn on our health and I'd like to know if one of you could answer to a few question. Has popcorn always eaten as sweets? Is it good for humans because even if it's sweet it still be a vegetable, moreover some condiment could probably make them healthier. Is the gas produced by the cooking of popcorn harmful for human health? Thanks for readding,I hope one of you could answered :)
John commented on :
I think we need to appreciate how retro Popcorn really is!!
Marie-Aimee commented on :
Thank you very much 🙂
I’ve never thought the gas produce could be water ( even if in a way its logical because first its a living element). But don’t one of you think there is another one ? Because generally when we can smell an odor its come from a gas , isn’t it?
Emma commented on :
Hi MArie
Not necessarily Marei-Aimee. When we smell an odour, it’s from the aroma molecules passing our through noses, and this happens more when the air is warm. So the heat from the popcorn cause the aroma molecules to reach your nose at a faster rate than usual. Thats why for example, a scented candle smells stronger when it is lit than when it isn’t – the heat gives the molecules more energy to vibrate faster and move further. Same thing for food cooking in a hot oven!