When you experience pain, your body sends a message via nerves back to your brain. Painkillers work by interfering with these messages. Some of them interfere with the message at the brain end, and some with the message at the site of the pain.
The more frequently you take them the more likely you body will become better able to tolerate them so you’d need to take more. Which is never good. And if you take to many it can be very bad for your liver.
They may attach to a receptor. This receptor could be the one sending signals to the brain like “OWWW that hurt” and when the painkiller attaches it could silence it for a period of time (normally 2-3 hours)
Shóna commented on :
if u take about 3 of them a week,could it do anything to u
John commented on :
The more frequently you take them the more likely you body will become better able to tolerate them so you’d need to take more. Which is never good. And if you take to many it can be very bad for your liver.
xroisinx commented on :
how do they block/interfere with the message to the brain.
John commented on :
They may attach to a receptor. This receptor could be the one sending signals to the brain like “OWWW that hurt” and when the painkiller attaches it could silence it for a period of time (normally 2-3 hours)