• Question: Is it hard being a scientist?

    Asked by Aimee to Ruth, John, Emma, Dilip, Andrew on 8 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by caitlin wilson, king natho the first.
    • Photo: John Gleeson

      John Gleeson answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      I dunno. For me this is hard to answer, as like I think being an accountant would be way harder or an english teacher. When you’ve spent 4 years in college and then 3 years (so far) in college after your degree, it’s kind of what you know how to do. It’s just another job. Sure when things don’t work it gets annoying. But I vent. I’m know in the lab to be the venter. If something doesn’t work… I don’t hold in my anger 😛 And then just get back on with it. But we get to wear fabulous “white coats”. Well mine is stained so is barely passable as white.

    • Photo: Emma Feeney

      Emma Feeney answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      For me personally, no I don’t think so. I find it great fun. There are so many different aspects to my work, some days I’m meeting volunteers and then processing their blood samples in the lab, some days I’m giving lectures to students or helping them with their 4th year projects, or I’m writing and analyzing my data, and then sometimes we go off to meeting in different countries and talk about our work.

      I love it because its not boring, your day is different every single day. I worked in a factory for 6 months after I did my degree, and it really wasn’t for me. I was doing the exact same thing every day and it drove me mad! I love the diversity of what I do now, but technically-speaking, I was working as a scientist in the factory too, so it really depends on where you work as well!

    • Photo: Ruth Hamill

      Ruth Hamill answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Like most worthwhile things in life it can be hard. It can also be a lonely business when something goes wrong, particularly for students whose thesis is theirs and theirs alone to deliver. But once you solve the problem, or try something new that finally works, its a great feeling and when you find something really interesting in the data, that is novel or new, its a real thrill .. and yes, you run around telling everyone who will listen!

    • Photo: Andrew Quigley

      Andrew Quigley answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      That’s a tricky question for me to answer as I’m really an Analytical Chemist studying food. I wouldn’t say it’s hard, challenging would be more like it. When you get a successful result after sometimes months of work, there’s no better feeling! I would recommend food science (or analytical chemistry) to anyone.

    • Photo: Dilip Rai

      Dilip Rai answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Yes and No. Yes because research can be very time demanding, and need to stay longer than the normal 9-5 working hours. No, because the fruit of the hard labour is very sweet after a successful experiment.
