0 Question: Were you always a scientist Keywords: Search for related information: scientist Asked by justin0208 to Ruth, John, Emma, Dilip, Andrew on 9 Nov 2015.
John Gleeson answered on 9 Nov 2015:
I abandoned science for a year and a bit and worked as a business analyst and project manager but then I missed the lab so returned
Ruth Hamill answered on 9 Nov 2015:
Apart from summer jobs and short periods with no job I have been continuously working in science since my degree
Emma Feeney answered on 9 Nov 2015:
I worked as a waitress and barmaid during college at the weekend, and during the summer, but similarly to Ruth, I’ve always been working in Science since graduating.
Andrew Quigley answered on 9 Nov 2015:
I’m in the same boat as Ruth and Emma. I’ve been working in science since I finished my degree.