A quote to answer this is that ‘It the dose that makes the poison!’ Even water in high enough quantities can kill you, and its the same for everything. A little bit of junk food or processed foods here and there as part of a balanced diet with exercise is generally ok, its when those foods form too much of the diet that problems start!
Deep fried mars bars! They are literally awful! I’ve never tried one apparently they are delicious but they are just sugar and fat. But everything in moderation is A OK as Emma said! We always recommend the good fats (MUFA and PUFA) over the bad fats (saturated fats), complex carbs over simple ones (the sugars in porridge vs white table sugar) and protein (in whatever format you wish, don’t knock beans they are a great source).
Agree with all comments, I have a real issue with artificial sweeteners too, they seem to be everywhere now that sugar is the new ‘worst food ever’, even in childrens’ foods, which is very wrong. They have also been recently shown to promote weight gain even in the absence of consuming extra calories, so they don’t even do what they are supposed to i.e. help with weight control. Ok rant over!