• Question: What do you enjoy most about your job?

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      Asked by Kevinholl02 to John, Ruth, Emma, Dilip, Andrew on 8 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 399fscd26, 278fscd26, 264fscd26, 626fscd26, Lily, AbbyG&the313, doyler, thefoodzone, Conor (vote Dilip), (faze) seanthenoscoper, Shóna.
      • Photo: John Gleeson

        John Gleeson answered on 8 Nov 2015:

        I love that my boss allows me get so involved in communicating science. I’ve done competitions with the Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 3 Minute Thesis. And my boss doesn’t query my dedication to research as he knows I’ll get the job done. So I love being able to produce really cool research and then given the freedom to go out to the world and talk about it!

      • Photo: Ruth Hamill

        Ruth Hamill answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        Like a lot of scientists it makes me very happy when the hypothesis is correct and we get a significant result! However, what I enjoy most is mentoring students and helping them move towards independence.
