I do some work looking at tastebuds and at fungiform papillae (FP) which are the little bumps on the tongue where your tastebuds are housed. That picture shows how we used to count them – paint tongues blue, and then count the pink bumps. I’m currently working on developing a way to count them automatically, using a computer program.
Its not actually purple, its blue! The dye helps us to see the papilla and to count them. I am hoping to develop an app that can count them automatically, (its really boring to count them yourself), so thats why the pic is up there.
ak commented on :
(emma) at the end of ur page their is a tounge that had a purple substence ?
Emma commented on :
Its not actually purple, its blue! The dye helps us to see the papilla and to count them. I am hoping to develop an app that can count them automatically, (its really boring to count them yourself), so thats why the pic is up there.
839fscd43 commented on :
Emma your very very very very smart
839fscd43 commented on :
Would you be able to make cheese last for aa week