• Question: what is your favoirate type of pet

    Asked by GummyBearSienceRules to Andrew, Dilip, Emma, John, Ruth on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Andrew Quigley

      Andrew Quigley answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Definitely a dog, I have king charles at home called Rusty. Dogs are always so excited to see you, so even if you’ve had a bad day, they’re a great way to cheer yourself up (only if you have time to properly look after them though)

    • Photo: John Gleeson

      John Gleeson answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      My parents were so chill they let us have like so many animals. We’ve had hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, turtles, fish, ducks and chickens. My favourite… I’m torn between dogs (as Andrew said they are so excited and pumped to see you) or rabbits… Balls of fluff!

    • Photo: Emma Feeney

      Emma Feeney answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      Like John, we have had a bit of a zoo at home at times. We’ve had hamsters, we’ve had a rabbit, cats, mice, dogs, and even a dove that we rescued off the street that had broken its leg. But my favourite one is our dog Delta, she’s a mix of a bordie collie and a Jack russell, and she’s amazing. She usually knows what we’re talking about, especially if she hears the word ‘walk’, and my mum is convinced she’ll start talking back to us some day!

    • Photo: Ruth Hamill

      Ruth Hamill answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      I am out at work all day so instead of a pet, I keep feeders for the birds in my garden in the winter time. Its incredible the quantities of seeds and nuts they get through in a cold snap!!
