Some scientists are developing protein powders made from insects to overcome some of the food sustainability issues that come from a growing population. Not quite sure how I feel about that one! It is becoming very common though. Some countries are a lot more open to it than others.
Lean red meat is ideally suited as a protein, iron and micronutrient source for older people who need higher levels of quality protein. As we age, the texture of some foods, including meat can become a bit challenging due to problems with teeth and overall strength. This means elderly people do not always get the appropriate nutrition they need. We are currently developing texture modified (softer) but delicious meat products to help elderly people enhance their protein intakes. We are also adding in healthy plant proteins to meat products to further enhance protein intakes. A higher protein intake is critical to reducing muscle wastage in older people, and this process actually starts from your thirties onwards!
I was at a food expo during the summer in the states and one of the big things was replacing oil with “good fats” and a lot of fruit and vegetable used in foods. I’d a cupcake that contained 1 portion of fruit and half a portion of vegetables! And it was delicious. I’ve friends working on breadfruit which is this cool starchy fruit in the Carribean and she’s looking st ways of improving its use