• Question: what was your best achievement

    Asked by 827fscd26 to Ruth, Andrew, Dilip, Emma, John on 9 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 264fscd26, lauramcdowell13.
    • Photo: John Gleeson

      John Gleeson answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I’d say a lot of us may go with our first paper in an academic journal. I know that has a sort of special feeling for most scientists. It’s weird seeing your name as the name people will talk about (hopefully in a good context). Another really awesome achievement was being invited to deliver a public lecture at the Royal Society Chemistry in January ’16. The fact that they think people will want to listen to me speak about nutraceuticals for 1 whole hour is kind of overwhelming! And a spot of shopping won’t go a stray!

    • Photo: Andrew Quigley

      Andrew Quigley answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I’m still waiting on my first paper in a journal so I’d say winning a poster prize at a Royal Society of Chemistry conference during the summer. That or being awarded funding to complete my PhD (I was a Masters student before that).

    • Photo: Emma Feeney

      Emma Feeney answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      Getting my PhD was one of the most memorable for me. It was a great day, and it was really cool because in UCD they also read out the title of your thesis as you walk across the stage and shake the President’s hand. Its not very often that things like that happen! Plus you get to wear a silly hat for the day!
