• Question: whats the craziest thing you ever done :]

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      Asked by JIMMY BRADLEY@69 to Andrew, Dilip, Emma, John, Ruth on 9 Nov 2015.
      • Photo: John Gleeson

        John Gleeson answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        In the lab? Made a costume out of boxes and things hanging around… just cause. And one of the Profs walked in… We’ve never discussed that day

      • Photo: Andrew Quigley

        Andrew Quigley answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        We made a ball out of parafilm (kind of like stretchy cling film that we use in a lab) and played keepy ups with it. Thankfully nothing was broken, and we didn’t get caught!

      • Photo: Emma Feeney

        Emma Feeney answered on 12 Nov 2015:

        When I worked over in the US, our entire lab dressed up as characters from Super Mario Brothers (I was Luigi), and then we had a Supermario Kart race down a corridor, with me sitting on Yoshi!! (My housemate, giving me a piggyback). We even had someone dressed up as one of the cubes who bumped into everyone and knocked us off the track. It was great fun, …and I think there is video evidence somewhere… eek!
