Being an austronaut seemed way too difficult. I didn’t have enough rhythm for musical theatre and I’m a pretty badass in the lab… So science it was. Food science was a calling, I didn’t look for it, it found me!
Milk is quite tricky to work with as there are lots of other things in there besides fatty acids and vitamins. So I have to come up with a way to remove all the other junk and leave I’m looking for in place.
I didnt graduate as a food scientist, but as a geneticist. I enjoyed Science at school (among other subjects), and I was always fascinated by genetics as I am a twin. So I ended up choosing that as my degree , and I just sort of fell into this field from there since I became interested in the genetics underlying how we taste things the way that we do. There are lots of genes that encode taste receptors, and because of small differences in these genes, we all perceive tastes slightly differently, which can impact our likes and dislikes!
It varies depending on what mood I am in, and I am fairly indecisive!Getting the experiment to work, or when you prove the hypothesis you were testing is a nice feeling. Getting your paper accepted after three rounds of corrections is also a great feeling! Its also a great time when your students submit and defend their thesis and thus become independent scientists themselves.
942fscd43 commented on :
What is your favourite thing about science
Ruth commented on :
It varies depending on what mood I am in, and I am fairly indecisive!Getting the experiment to work, or when you prove the hypothesis you were testing is a nice feeling. Getting your paper accepted after three rounds of corrections is also a great feeling! Its also a great time when your students submit and defend their thesis and thus become independent scientists themselves.