• Question: Why does fish stick to the pan when its not very hot ?

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      Asked by xroisinx to Andrew, Dilip, Emma, John, Ruth on 9 Nov 2015.
      • Photo: John Gleeson

        John Gleeson answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        I remember my lecture/chef telling me about this in a Culinary class in undergrad. I believe it’s to do with the proteins and fats binding to the pan, but when the pan is hot it fully denatures the proteins and liquefies the fats therefore it moves.

        Anyone else have a better knowledge? I know it’s very annoying when cooking!

      • Photo: Andrew Quigley

        Andrew Quigley answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        I haven’t a clue!

        John’s answer makes sense though, anyone else have anything to add?

        I think I’m learning as much as the students and it’s only the first day! 🙂
