Question: i did an egg experiment i put an egg, vinegar in the jar and food die and left it for 3 days it bounced but then it broke why did this happen
Hi there. I’ve actually never heard of this experiment before, but I did a quick search on it and it might be that you have to refresh the vinegar every day. So on day one, put the egg in a jar, and fill the jar with vinegar until the egg is covered. Then, leave it for 24 hours, and on the next day, throw away the vinegar and cover it with new vinegar. Then leave the egg and vinegar alone for 7 days.
I think you have to change the vinegar after 1 day is the first patch of vinegar kick starts the chemical process, but it’s lost all of the necessary chemicals after 24 hours, and so you need to refresh it to keep it going.
Also, when you put the egg in the vinegar, the outer shell dissolves. The egg is then just wrapped in a thin membrane. When you peal a boiled egg or crack a raw egg sometimes you see a thin white skin – this is the membrane. When the egg shell is dissolved, this membrane is all that is holding the egg together. When you bounce it, it can only withstand so much force and will eventually break if it bounces too hard.
Good luck repeating your experiment! 🙂
aodm2008 commented on :
thanks so much for your reply i will definately try it again
Michelle commented on :
Also, when you put the egg in the vinegar, the outer shell dissolves. The egg is then just wrapped in a thin membrane. When you peal a boiled egg or crack a raw egg sometimes you see a thin white skin – this is the membrane. When the egg shell is dissolved, this membrane is all that is holding the egg together. When you bounce it, it can only withstand so much force and will eventually break if it bounces too hard.
Good luck repeating your experiment! 🙂
aodm2008 commented on :
thanks michelle that a great answer thanks a mill
Bethany is @home! commented on :
That experiment is cool