• Question: do monkeys swim and do they bite

    Asked by 446ghtg46 to Dervil, Moises, Pramod, Saoirse, Stephen on 9 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by 624ghtg46.
    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Monkeys can have a very nasty bite and some types of monkey have rather sharp teeth. As for swimming, I know some monkeys can swim but I doubt they can do the back-stroke. It would just be very basic paddling through the water.

      Heres a great video f a monkey swimming:

    • Photo: Moises Jezzini

      Moises Jezzini answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Thanks Stephen for video taped proof that Monkeys can swim.

      I don’t want to be part of the experiment to check if they bite. The fact that they have teeth is enough proof for me to believe they can bite.
