Asked by BOBBYJO to Dervil, Moises, Pramod, Saoirse, Stephen on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      While you do your PhD you’re in charge of your own work, you know how much work you need to do and you have to get work done every day! So you get to come in whenever you like, but the later you come in the later you have to stay until! I usually come in for half 9 or 10 and stay until 6 every day

    • Photo: Saoirse McCrann

      Saoirse McCrann answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Yes, Stephen is right. You work for yourself when doing a PhD, therefore you have to be able to motivate yourself to get your work done daily. I also work as an Optometrist and I work from 9 to 5 or else from 12.30 until 9 depending on the day. If I am in college for the day I like to break the day up and spend some of it studying, some of it in meetings and also doing experiments.

    • Photo: Dervil Cody

      Dervil Cody answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Both Stephen and Soirse are right about PhD life, it’s really up to you what hours you work, as long as you get your work done! I’m finished my PhD so now I try to stick to a stricter schedule. I prefer starting work early at 8 am so I can finish at 5 / 5:30 pm and enjoy my evenings!
