• Question: What would happen if the Earth suddenly stopped moving? How would it affect us?

    Asked by Darth to Dervil, Moises, Pramod, Saoirse, Stephen on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      This is a tricky one and I think it would happen just like in futurama

      Ok so maybe this is an over exaggeration, but firstly we would feel it stop rotating and this would cause some effects, hard to know if buildings would topple but it would be possible,

      the next thing to think of is that half of the earth would be in sunlight and half not, the half not in sunlight would begin to experience quite a cold existence and possibly another ice age,

      the half pointing towards the sun could also experience bad news because the extra sun, chances are, would create a rise in temperature or damage to the ozone and this could cause plants to die and dry out, leaving half of the world a desert and half an ice block

      of course theres no way to REALLY know but thats my guess
