• Question: Why can't you see in the dark?

    Asked by BladeFight to Dervil, Moises, Pramod, Saoirse, Stephen on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      First we have to think about how we see: Bundles of light called photons enter your eye and just like a camera the colours and positions are recorded and put back together in the brain to form an image.

      Darkness is when there is no light, so in the dark there are no bundles of light to enter into the eye. Therefore the reason we can’t see in the dark is that there are no or not enough bundles of light to create an image inside of your eye.

    • Photo: Dr. Pramod Kumar

      Dr. Pramod Kumar answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      When light falls AND reflects back from some objects and it falls on our eyes then that object becomes visible. So, If there is no light anywhere then the object will not be visible as there will be no reflection of light. That is why one can not see in dark. But if you begin to experience a progressive loss of night time vision, so make an appointment for an eye exam.
