• Question: Why should I vote for you (by the way I sent this to all the scientists) apart from the others,what makes you special.How do u make thw world a safer,nicer mor more impresive place

    Asked by SeverusSnape to Dervil, Moises, Pramod, Saoirse, Stephen on 7 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Shannon, clodagh_mal1.
    • Photo: Moises Jezzini

      Moises Jezzini answered on 7 Nov 2016:


      All my fellow scientist are trying to do the world safer, nicer and more impressive.

    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Well not all science will, can or plans to make the world better Science is often seen as a way to better understand and describe what goes on around us! Yes through this understanding we can often manipulate this knowledge to better the world, but a lot of the time as scientists we strive for information and answers, these answers can eventually lead to developments but that can be years away.

      If you take my research I am looking to improve a technique that can determine what a sample is made from, techniques already exist to do this, but maybe my improvements will allow a better analysis? Maybe we can use this to recycle materials more efficiently? maybe the next mars rover will use my improvements when they are looking for life on other planets? Or maybe 100-1000 people will get slightly better results from their tests? I guess my point is that science is about answering questions big or small and sometimes this change may not change the world, but it is still interesting and we are still answering questions.

      As who you should vote for? I don’t think we can tell you that, I think try to come up with 5 questions you want to be answered and send one to each of us, base your decision on who you feel taught you something, and which answer you liked best.

      Or you know you could just vote for me 😉
