Dear Zebra… I use those hats as ear muffs! nah kidding. I have four hats already! The bottles are sold with hats to raise money for charities for old people. Because of all the improvements in medicine, people are living a lot longer than a few years ago. Unfortunately, as we get older our bodies are less able to fight back from disease or sickness, so old people are vunerable and usually need more attention. If the big knit raises enough money it should provide some help for old people through the charities.
Yep I think the big knit is a great idea – cute hats, yummy smoothies and a good cause so what’s not to like!
As Emma was saying, we’re living longer and tend to have fewer children so our population is aging all the time which means that we’re going to need a lot more services to help the elderly in years to come. One of the main focuses of the big knit are charities to help older people with heating bills over the winter months. Older people tend to get cold more easily because their bodies are not as efficient at producing heat and they tend to be less active so they don’t warm up from moving around. With rising energy and fuel costs, the big knit is a great effort to try and help keep people warm over the winter.
zebraperson72 commented on :
Thanks for answering I only have two hats so far so good ! I am getting at least two a week so I hope I help the elderly !