Slowly but surely! Hope the answers are quick enough for you guys?? And I admit openly I am avoiding the space ones.. Not my strong point! but its great seeing the answers from the other scientists. Im learning lots too 😉
I’m avoiding doing the work I’m supposed to be doing!
It’s not a chore though because the questions and chats are fun and, like Emma, I’m learning a lot!
Depends on the volume and type of questions. I spent at least two full half days last thursday and monday gone answering questions. But since this is outreach it is part of my job, so thats OK
liverpoolfcman commented on :
How long would you spend answering questions a day
Michael commented on :
Depends on the volume and type of questions. I spent at least two full half days last thursday and monday gone answering questions. But since this is outreach it is part of my job, so thats OK