Hi Thomas,
It depends on what I’m doing but usually I’m at work from 9 to 6. During that time I work on my own project, do some teaching, writing for blogs and magazines, meet with other researchers and get involved with some of our collaborative group projects. If I’m at a conference or else doing some work abroad – at a museum or doing fieldwork – then the hours change!
As essentially my own boss I work the hours that suit me: I either do 8am to 4.30 pm or 12 – 6.30 in the office.
However, I think I am always working, as I am always thinking about something to do with my work – emails I must send, some text for a paper or a report, or even some ideas on new experiments and understanding existing ones. So it is likely that I am working, in some, way 17 hours a day!
When I travel, it is all work, but that is OK, thats why I go. You get to meet other people and have a limited time to do that, so its all science. Well, maybe after a while you get in some beers and then its other stuff 🙂