• Question: how long have u been a scientists

    Asked by dylan14 to Cathal, Ciara, Emma, Michael, Sive on 13 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Michael Nolan

      Michael Nolan answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      Hi Dylan,

      For me, that is defined as when I got my PhD (the others may take a different view), so I am 9 years a practicing scientist. 16 Since I got my degree (yikes)


    • Photo: Emma Cahill

      Emma Cahill answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      Hi Dylan! Indeed I just got my PhD in June, but I think I “felt” like a scientist when I starting deciding myself the experiments that were necessary and running/getting funding for the project. So I’d say about 2 years! before that I felt sometimes like a sort of apprentice I guess

    • Photo: Sive Finlay

      Sive Finlay answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      Hi Dylan,

      It’s hard to say when you start being a scientist – I think anyone who does their own experiments at home or at school can think of themselves as scientists. Since school, I’ve been studying science for 5 years – 4 year degree and I’ve finished one year of my PhD.
