1 Question: Tell me an embarrissing moment that you've told nobody else Keywords: embarrassment, personal, secret Asked by liverpoolfcman to Cathal, Ciara, Emma, Michael, Sive on 17 Nov 2013.
Michael Nolan answered on 17 Nov 2013:
Having to answer this question with a mustache on my face
Sive Finlay answered on 17 Nov 2013:
Well if I said it here then you wouldn’t be the only person to find out!
Cathal Cummins answered on 18 Nov 2013:
I get embarrassed writing about what embarrasses me…
liverpoolfcman commented on 20 Nov 2013:
Very good excuses to get out of answering my question guys
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Michael commented on 20 Nov 2013:
Sure, that is why we are smart scientists 🙂
Another great answer Michael
liverpoolfcman commented on :
Very good excuses to get out of answering my question guys
Michael commented on :
Sure, that is why we are smart scientists 🙂
liverpoolfcman commented on :
Another great answer Michael