• Question: What's your favourite part of your job?

    Asked by niamhbrien to Cathal, Ciara, Emma, Michael, Sive on 13 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Sive Finlay

      Sive Finlay answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      Hi Niamh,
      I love meeting interesting (and often eccentric!) people who are doing cool new research projects. Being involved in science is a great job because you’re always learning something new 🙂

    • Photo: Michael Nolan

      Michael Nolan answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      a few things are good

      1. getting an email that starts “Dear Dr. Nolan, I am pleased to inform you that your application for a research grant in the XXXX scheme has been successful…you have been awarded a grant of 500,000 euro”

      that keeps me in a job and pays the salary

      2. an email that contains an invitation from someone I know to give an invited talk at a major international conference. Great for the CV, to meet people, and to travel somewhere nice (have gotten Spain, Australia and two USA trips from such letters)

      3. and since research that is not published is meaningless, the email from a scientific journal that informs me my latest paper has been accepted for publication.

      Those are the 3 things that move my career forwards.

