Diamonds are made of carbon atoms joined together in a regular, repeating pattern. This pattern is created because of the high temperatures and pressures required to make diamonds under ground. The crystallised structure means that the carbon atoms are all lined and there are regularly spaced gaps in between the atoms – a bit like the gaps in chain mail or a fence. These gaps allow light to pass through them. So you would think that should make the diamonds see through but that’s not quite the case. Real diamonds always have other small minerals and particles inside their structures so they’re not just made of pure carbon. All these extra bits are part of the reason why diamonds reflect so much light when they’ve been cut and polished. Fake diamonds, however, are usually made without all these extra impurities so they’re the ones that are see through.
One way to test if a diamond is real or fake is to put it on some newspaper. If you can see the letters underneath then the diamond is fake but if you can’t see through the stone then it’s real!