Bonjour 🙂
As a marine geologist I use ships to go at sea and get data from places around the world that I bring back to my office in Dublin and that I analyse to try to understand the how works the geology of the oceans: How do continents break up and move appart from each other? How do they move appart at the point an ocean forms? How do work volcanoes in the middle of oceans?
Those are some questions I try to understand 🙂
At the moment, I work in the “Fault Analysis Group” at the University College Dublin, where I am trying to understand an area called “Porcupine”, which is 200 km underwater west of Dingle (southwest Ireland).
I am a nutrition x genetics scientist. However I am currently working on an amazing project that monitor the prevalence of obesity among children in Ireland, which is supported by the World Health Organisation and thus almost 40 European Countries are participating.
This study requires data collection by measure children height and weight in school and later on performing sophisticated data analysis techniques to draw association between obesity and children eating behaviour and activity levels, as well as parents behaviour and socioeconomic status.
As Nutrition genetic scientist, I use genetic variants to examine how genes influence our body in absorbing and metabolising nutrients as well as how the food we eat affect our genetic susceptibility to diseases such as in diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.
Ohood commented on :
I am a nutrition x genetics scientist. However I am currently working on an amazing project that monitor the prevalence of obesity among children in Ireland, which is supported by the World Health Organisation and thus almost 40 European Countries are participating.
This study requires data collection by measure children height and weight in school and later on performing sophisticated data analysis techniques to draw association between obesity and children eating behaviour and activity levels, as well as parents behaviour and socioeconomic status.
If you would like to learn more about the study check this website
As Nutrition genetic scientist, I use genetic variants to examine how genes influence our body in absorbing and metabolising nutrients as well as how the food we eat affect our genetic susceptibility to diseases such as in diabetes, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.