
Ohood Alharbi
About Me
Hi! My name is Ohood, I am new in Dublin, I’ve lived in Canada and Saudi Arabia prior moving to Ireland. I am a researcher, educator, and nutritionist. I love dancing, swimming, running, and singing when no one is watching ^^.
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Since I was five years old I used to experiment everything I see in cartoon. As an adult, reflecting on my childhood I found that letting yourself be and think what it want lead you to the right road that meant to be for you. I never imagined that I will be researcher, at first I thought I will be a teacher, then I thought I will be a doctor, but as I was following the opportunities presented to me and working my best to excel in school and work I got to where I am right now.
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After high school, I spent one year in general sciences, I was among 30 students who joined computer statistics, I switched to biochemistry then medical laboratory where I specialized in Molecular Biology/virology and Microbiology. I completed my graduate studies Master’s degree in Food and Nutrition Sciences, and my PhD in Nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is a new field in sciences that explores the interaction between genetics and nutrition. How food can influence your genetic and genetics affect your body response to food. For example “Darlene” has a gene variant that makes her respond to high protein diet more efficiently and lose weight faster when follows a diet that is high in protein, while “Pauline” another variant that doesn’t provide her with the advantage of losing weight more efficiently when following a diet high in protein. Pauline, however, is a carrier of a gene variant that makes her respond to physical activity faster than Darlene. These genetic differences makes Darlene and Paulene follow different approaches for diet and lifestyle/physical activity. They both are unique and this approach is known as personalized nutrition, and in healthcare it is call personalized medicine.
My Typical Day
I wake up between 4 and 5 am most of the weekdays. The first hour is to charge, give gratitude. Then I start with my coffee, then a breakfast (pithing two hours), and a workout or stretching. I start working different activities depending on my schedule. Most of my work is on computer and rarely I have meetings in person due the pandemic. The beauty of my work however is the diversity between working on research and management of the National Nutrition Surveillance Centre. Du to COVID restriction, I go to work from office twice a week. When I get home I might spend couple of hours on my Nutrigenomics business when it is possible. .
What I'd do with the prize money
I will use it to organise an events that introduce how nutrigenomics to empower the new generation. Nutrigenomics is not only a science that personalise diet to each person differences; it is a science that proves that each one of us is a unique person. Adolescents must not compare themselves to others or feel intimidated by anyone who is different especially in the era of social media (TikTok and instagram). Each one of us has its unique genetic prints, each one of us respond to food and physical activity differently.
18th elementary school, 9th intermediate school, the 3rd high school (sciences), King Abdulaziz University (Allied Medical Sciences); Brescia University College (Food and Nutritional Sciences), University of Western Ontario (Food and Nutritional Sciences), University of Guelph (Human Health and Nutritional Sciences; Nutrigenomics); University of Toronto (Nutritional Sciences; Nutrigenomics)
Medical Laboratory, Nutrition Consultant, entrepreneur, teaching, public health speaker
Work History:
I worked at the hospital, University, I tutored and I owned a business where I was providing a nutrition consultation using genetic testing.
Current Job:
Post-Doctoral Researcher at University College Dublin, and Manger at the National Nutrition Surveillance Centre
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Scientist in motion
What did you want to be after you left school?
Many things
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes, sometimes I fell asleep in my mathematics class and my teacher was not happy and told my mom, "only if she was not getting the full mark she would 've been in big trouble"
Who is your favourite singer or band?
West-Life, Frank Sinatra, Enrique Iglesias, Michael Bolton, Justin Timberlake,
What's your favourite food?
Stuffed Grape Leaves! :)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Zip-Lining "new brunswick'; Yukon Striker (highest roller coaster),'Leviathan', Canada's tallest roller coaster, swimming in the red sea
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Feed the hungry children, spend more time with my mom and siblings, make a difference in the world before I leave it..
Work photos: