• Question: will extinct animals ever come back to life

    Asked by ella d on 11 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Ohood Alharbi

      Ohood Alharbi answered on 11 Nov 2021:

      I don’t think so, once an animal is extinct you cannot bring it back unless a frozen egg and sperm of that animal is kept somewhere and we used another type of animal as surrogate for the embryo to grow (hypothetically); and even with that this is still an experimental approach, up to my knowledge not done before.

    • Photo: Cyrille Thinnes

      Cyrille Thinnes answered on 11 Nov 2021:

      Hi Ella, unlikely. Although there may be some efforts to bring some species back to life Jurassic Park style (maybe a Mammoth from an elephant?), the environment has likely changed so much that they are no longer adapted to thrive.

    • Photo: Pawel Rulikowski

      Pawel Rulikowski answered on 11 Nov 2021:

      yes and no, not exactly the same animals but it is very likely that similar forms will reappear in the future. Dolphins and ichtiosaurs had very similar body plan, many different animals evolve to look like crabs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvfR3XLXPvw
